Sunday, January 16, 2011


What a great feeling when you find your own voice!  I felt going into 2011 that I had finally found what  
I really wanted to do in life...I'd always heard from others that you would truly know what your passion was when you were willing to do it for "free"...It's been a long road trying to find out what that might be!  I never knew or didn't have the confidence to know what I was good at doing so I could provide for myself.   Never thought  my life's experience would be the very thing that would be my voice.   I'm able now to freely give to other's what I've found to be true.  The book I wrote which at first was only suppose to be about fashion ended up becoming my voice. I'm overjoyed when I'm able to connect with  friends I've known for years or people I meet for the first time while talking about "On the Other Side of STYLE"  or my nonprofit "Journey Inc".  My Dreams=My Journey=My Voice=FREEDOM!

Love and Kisses,

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