Sunday, October 24, 2010

"Style" Not just about how you dress...

I'm a great believer that style isn't just about how you dress. Baby it's so much more than that...for me It started with having to overcome "fear"...from and early age I knew there was something different about how I saw the world, and what I thought about clothes and how I thought they should be wore-not always conforming to what a magazine or sales person said or suggested.  Now knowing and feeling that was not enough to combat a large giant called "fear"!  I allowed my mind to take me to stylish places but not my actions all the time-meaning I went with what was the norm in fashion and let my personality do the rest...That ladies & gentleman was something I had no control over!  As I grew older I hungered for a more personal sense of style... I was able to connect with men & women who thought as I did... after spending time with them I would re-entered  into a world that seemed committed to destroying what we all thought about personal way of dealing with this issue was drugs and alcohol...not suggested! Please don't wait as long as I did to address your fear... or take your "LIFE" thinking it's not going to get any better...I'm LIVING proof that it does get a whole lot better!!!

Love and Kisses,

Monday, October 11, 2010


I want to welcome you to my first blog...I'm grateful for the growing success of my new book "On the Other Side of Style". While writing the book I got a chance to reflect on who is "George Worrell" ...I never wanted to define myself- I left that to others to tell me...did I love and except myself ? NO... After seeing and being told for 30 years that who I was attracted too and everything that went with it was WRONG...I thought "HUH"  so let me understand this...It's ok for me to do your hair, decorate your house or fellowship hall, pick out your clothes,earrings, loan you money when your live-in man didn't give you his share of the rent because he just purchased a new car that you can't drive or ride-in- so you calling me for a loan...but don't go around your son to much because he may start acting like me!  "Huh"  Somthing's wrong with that thinking baby!!! I want to add going through this and more... I never thought about taking my "life"It's called your "journey children"...stay on it and live it does get better!!!  I've not had a drink or drug in over 15years-but it was'nt until I completed my book that it all came together for me...I will not allow anyone else to define me...It's now clear to me...I love myself!
Love and Kisses,

Friday, October 1, 2010

On the Other Side of Style

"My message is a simple yet important one: True style starts from within. It's really not about the designer dress or suit. It's about how you feel about you. Then and only then can you place the focus on your outer self. I have a story to tell and now it's time to tell it."

George Worell

"Go to Guy" George Worrell on WHUR

Tune in for Weekly Style Tips and Advice with " Go to Guy" and style 
Expert George Worrell on WHUR 96.3 FM

George Worrell WHUR Fall Segment